Dialogue: setting impulses for Christian values & culture united
Placing impulses, accompany lasting dialogues united with princes, examine inquiries / make contacts / oversee relations with the press / protocol & coordination.
Projects that we accompany represented Christian values, a connection between our European / humanistic past, present and future. You see yourself, your enterprise or association in a symbiosis with the values of the historically grown old families! If so, then we will give you space to act as an organizer, promoter / sponsor. We are happy to mediate possible cooperations and platforms, so that you and all participants participate in the public image. The focus here is on the following aspects:
• Commitment to values, appreciation and conveying of values
• handle the coordination
• Tradition and historical awareness
• sustainability and security
• Win win situation for all involved
As part of cooperation projects, we accompany events and provide advice and assistance:
• check inquiries and make contacts
• accompany or take over the coordination
• answer questions concering protocol
• support work with the press
• set social impulses
The aim is to open up a platform for all interested parties united with the princely families and the historically grown old families for visible social and civil engagement. Under the name "Princely Houses | Bearers of Culture" - cultural representatives -, we present representative examples and project models. These are shaped by the cultural and social engagements of old institutions, families, members of formerly governing houses together with stakeholders of society in our present times. They show the growing role and experience of European representatives and promoters of culture.
Princely houses | Bearers of culture
Menckestrasse 54
D-04155 Leipzig
Fon: +49 341 35022167
Fax: +49 341 35022168
Instagram, Facebook, Facebook-Gruppe, Linkedin